My Perfect Kubuntu Install
The following is my setup procedure when I install kubuntu 32 bit, I also included ubuntu commands for those of you who prefer ubuntu.
- Install All Ubuntu/Kubuntu Updates
- Once the update is done reboot.
- Enable Hardware restricted drivers
- Kubuntu Users:
- Open the Menu and go to Applications -> System -> Hardware drivers
- install any available drivers you might need. (video, wireless)
- Ubuntu Users:
- Go to System -> Administration -> Hardware drivers
- install any available drivers you might need.(video, wireless)
- Reboot your system.
- In some versions of ubuntu the Nvidia settings manager doesn’t install you may need to do this, if so run the following command
sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings
- You’ll need run the nvidia settings as sudo so that you can save the settings your x file
sudo nvidia-settings
- Go to “X Server Display Configuration”, select your resolution of choice, click on “Apply”, and then click on “Save to X Configuration File”.
- In Ubuntu you can Install KDE desktop if desired
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop
- To access kde log out and from options select kde then log in.
- In Kubuntu you can install the gnome desktop if desired
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop
- to access gnome log out and from options select gnome then log in.
- Install Non-Free Codecs repository(medibuntu)
- The following is all one line and should be copied and pasted in it’s entirety
sudo wget$(lsb_release -cs).list
--output-document=/etc/apt/sources.list.d/medibuntu.list &&
sudo apt-get -q update &&
sudo apt-get --yes -q --allow-unauthenticated install medibuntu-keyring &&
sudo apt-get -q update- Run the following command to install restricted extras such as, java, midi & dvd support, as well as mplayer and mozplugger utility for firefox.
- Kubuntu Users:
sudo apt-get install kdenetwork-filesharing samba smb4k smbfs winbind ubuntu-restricted-extras kubuntu-restricted-extras sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin w32codecs libdvdcss2 libdvdread4 mplayer gecko-mediaplayer timidity mozplugger pavumeter pavucontrol
- Ubuntu Users:
sudo apt-get install samba smbfs winbind ubuntu-restricted-extras sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin w32codecs libdvdcss2 libdvdread4 mplayer gecko-mediaplayer timidity mozplugger pavumeter pavucontrol
- You’ll need to run the following to insure that DVD’s can be played on the system:
sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/
- Reboot your system
- Permanently mount networked windows drives
- Backup your fstab:
sudo cp /etc/fstab /etc/fstab_old
- fstab can be restored by running:
sudo mv /etc/fstab_old /etc/fstab
- Create a credintials file to login to your windows networked computer with the following command:
sudo nano /root/.smbcredentials
- Add the following lines (change winusername and winpassword to the correct username and password for the samba/windows server you want to connect to):
password=winpassword- Save the file by hitting ctrl+x, type “y” to save the buffer, andto exit
- use the following command to change the permissions of the file so only root can read and edit it
sudo chmod 700 /root/.smbcredentials
- Edit your fstab file so that the drive is mounted on boot.
- Kubuntu Users:
sudo kate /etc/fstab
- Ubuntu Users:
sudo gedit /etc/fstab
- Add a line similar to the following editing it according to your own system setup(ip address and folders ect..)
- the ip address reflects the ip address of the computer on the network you are trying to access plus the folder you are trying to access
- /home/angel/music
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