Sad about firefox

So for years I’ve used Firefox as my browser of choice. However with them moving to a more chrome like interface what this means is that a lot of the plugins I used to customize firefox will no longer work. I could switch to a browser like pale moon, but that last I used it, it wasn’t what I wanted either. Plus I hear it has some security issues. So I guess for now I’ll start using chrome again. Once Vivaldi get bookmark and setting sync I may consider switching to it.

On December 17, 2015 at 03:16PM Angel Said…

Had to spend the morning downgrading back to firefox 42, Way too many issues happened with the update to 43, I think I’ll skip it for a while and try again later. This Guide is a bit older but it worked. I just downloaded 42 from here and adjusted the directions accordingly.

Download and Install Firefox Manually in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) | Liberian Geek
We all know Firefox comes pre-installed in Ubuntu. So, installing Firefox manually isn’t something you’ll hear or read online frequently. Well, you can manually download and install Firefox like you would when using Windows. This allows you to upgrade to the latest version without waiting for Ubuntu to update first. Also, if you need to … Continue reading “Download and Install Firefox Manually in Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin)”


On January 27, 2014 at 11:26AM Angel Said…


Making apt:// work in firefox kubuntu

I finally figured out how to make apt:// urls work in firefox kubuntu. apt:// urls allow you to install software at the click of link in your browser. The fix was actually rather simple, just run the following command in your terminal.
sudo apt-get install apturl firefox-3.5-gnome-support
After running the command head over to allmyapps and test it by trying to install one of the programs they have listed.