The Dallemagnes → 2007

Kenzie’s First Term at school

Kenzie is doing quite well at school I would have to say he has adjusted very nicely to being in a new home and a new school. His first term grades are all A’s and B’s with the exception of One C. He’s also become involved in a few extra curricular activies. He’s gotten involved in what they call Hawk T.V. this is a t.v. program produced by students for the school He really seems to like it alot. His other activity is wrestling. He hasn’t had a meet yet the first one will be on the 28th of November. He really enjoy’s it. We plan on video taping the meet and I’ll post it as soon as possible.

He also went to his first school dance on the 2nd of November. Which like most middle school dances was mostly groups of girls and guys going togather and hanging out not really any dating going yet…lol. That’s not to say he doesn’t look at the girls because he’s definatly been looking. He had fun though he and his friends hung out for most of the night.

Conferences are next week and I’m not quite sure how they work it as I haven’t heard anything about being scheduled a meeting so I’m going to call there tomorrow and see what they tell me. But other than that everything is great. Mark and I are so proud of him, he’s really doing well for himself.

Spelling List for 9-2-07 thru 9-9-07

Kenzie did excellent on his spelling this week, we actually changed tatics on how we approached it. From now on I print out a list of 10 words, he is responsible for looking up the definitions and study them during the week and then on Sunday he gets quizzed where he has to spell the word, use it in a sentence and write the definition. This seems to work out a lot better for him. His words for this week were:

  • Economize
  • Brandish
  • Hierarchical
  • Eclectic
  • Verbatim
  • Technology
  • Malfunction
  • Extension
  • Theatrical
  • Surmise

He got a 100% on the quiz . The one thing he does need to focus on is his penmanship, I’m hoping by having him write out the definitions this will improve. Ive discussed it with him and told him that he really needs to work on it. So we’ll see how it looks next Sunday.

Schools Here!

Kenzie Started School today, and he seemed to really like it. I’m glad I was nervous for him. Jr. High is a big transition from elementary school. It seems this school is pretty big about making the kids take responsibility for themselves something I think most schools should focus on. Tomorrow he’s going to check out an after school activity they do called Hawk T.V. Where the kids learn to make a t.v. program which is played for the entire school every two weeks. You check out the program details here.

In light of the fact the we feel school should be his main focus we have decided to not do math at home during the school year, however he will still be learning a new word every day, as I feel it’s important to broaden his vocabulary. I’ll be posting the words from the previous each Sunday, so you can check them out.

School Daze

Kenzie is doing much better at math, we had a 25 problem worksheet which had 3 digit Multiplication problems on it. When he first began doing the worksheet he was missing 2 out of 3 on the first try now he’s reversed that, he’s been getting 2 out of three correctly on the first and normally just by double checking the one he misses he can figure out what he did wrong. He’s been working quite hard to get better at the math and we’re both very proud of him.

School starts on Tuesday, and we went to the open house last Wednesday, his teachers all seemed very nice, and he’s looking forward to starting. I posted some of the school papers in his section. He seems to be interested in wrestling which starts in the second quarter of the school year.

My First lessons have been posted on the G.E.D. Site and I’ll be concentrating on getting that done. Maybe between the two of us we can actually get somewhere .

Battlefield 2 – Tunak Tunak

BF2 Parody – Mine 2

Cradle Of Filth – Temptation

Carmina Burana O Fortuna – Carl Orff

Heavy Metal Parking Lot

BF2 Parody – Angry German Kid – Playin