Stethoscope on a printed sheet of paper
Having Graves` disease means that whenever I get a wound, it’s guaranteed to take a long time to heal. Also there is always a chance it will become infected and I’ll have to go the doctors for it. Which is exactly what happened this time. We ended up going to urgent care to have the wound on my leg looked at, where I was promptly prescribed a 14 day antibiotic and some benadryl to help with the itching. Though I still find myself needing to use a gel to help with itching in other areas around the wound. This is just one of the many reasons having Graves` disease sucks 
Stethoscope on a printed sheet of paper
So it’s been a week since they removed my toenail, and thankfully I’ve only bumped it once. Man was that ever painful, but what was even more painful was the epsom salt bath the day after. It hurt so bad I actually fainted. It was pretty horrible. The other thing that sucks about this whole toenail removal is that because I have both Graves` disease and Hashimoto’s my wounds heal seriously slow. So who know’s how long I’m going to have to mess with bandages and neosporin. I’m supposed to go back to the doctors on Friday so I guess we’ll see what he says. I just hope I can avoid stubbing or bumping again before it heals.
So I just got back from my doctors office and the visit went well, we discussed the current state of my Graves Disease. My TSH levels are normal, but I’m still having
Well I spent last night adding another bill to our long list of medical bills we can’t pay by paying a visit to the emergency room. Lately My legs have been itching a lot due to dry skin, well it turns out that I have what they call Cellulitis It’s a bacterial skin infection. Cellutitis is pretty common and they gave me some antibiotics to treat it. But I really had to wonder about the doctor. Actually he was a Physicians assistant whatever that means, he wanted to keep me overnight for my heart arrhythmia that my cardiologist told me I would probably have for the rest of my life. Well I already hate hospitals, and I have no medical insurance to speak of since Mark got laid off . The state told us we make to much money for me to get medical assistance of any kind. So I told that doctor that I was leaving, and not staying. So they gave me the antibiotics and I left AMA (against medical advice). So here I am. My legs look better already, aside from the itching, I’m applying cortaid, but it still itches, and I’m doing my best to ignore it.

So I went to my appointment with my new Doctor, and it was great. It’s so nice just to be listened to and feel like I’m not being treated like a number or something. She gave me so new herbal supplements to take as well as drawing my blood to test my TSH levels. She also gave me some light exercises to help with my back pain. She believes the back pain is caused by a bulging disk in my back, funny thing is that’s what my mother has said several times. The Doctor was glad I had come off my other medicines because it meant not having to wait for them to come out of my system before starting the new treatment.
The Supplements I’m on are as follows:
- Dr. Heron’s Thyronix Formula
So one Painful MRI, and several Doctors visits later, I Now I know exactly what I already assumed the issue with my back to be. Money in the pockets of the doctors all so they can tell me what I already Knew(insert frustrated sigh here).
Well for those who don’t know I suffer with grave’s disease, it’s an auto immune disorder, which I’ve been fighting for a couple of years now, This particular disorder runs in my family my mother has it, and my grandmother had it as well. I have had it for a little over a year and didn’t know it because we had no insurance, so I My condition rapidly deteriorated due to lack of treatment. As of right now I can’t walk very well due to pain in my back, caused by a combination of severe muscle deterioration and The weight which I too rapidly gained once they began treating my condition. The Orthopedic doctor told me today I have what’s called Lumbar strain, and swelling in and around my lower spine. So Thursday I’m to go in and get epidural steroid shots then I’m to start Physical therapy.
I don’t intend on being overweight forever, and before this disease I wasn’t. I’m far too young at 33 to feel like this and damn it I want to be able to run and walk again. So I’ve set up some goals for myself
- Quit Smoking (This is the hardest to be sure because to be honest I don’t want to quit I really enjoy smoking but I know I need to quit so I’m going to)
- Start & Continue with Physical Therapy
- A complete re-hash of my diet, learning to eat better is just a good idea all the way around
Not many goals at the moment but that’s ok you have to start small in my opinion.
So I stopped the prednisone as per doctors orders, and let me tell you the withdrawals are horrible. I woke up about 5:00 A.M. with horrible pain from my knee’s to my ankles. I’ve been dealing with it all day. I called the doc and he told me to take a percocete and possibly some aleave for the pain, I don’t have any aleave but I used advil liqu-gels and they seemed to do the trick, now I’ve got the numb feeling….. Hopefully soon I can begin to get this crap all worked out I’m so sick of pills….a
Oh my god that MRI was the worst experience ever. I spent the whole time crying and in so much pain I wanted to scream. I swear when your in that much pain they should just stick in a catheter and give you an epidural. I have had 3 kids, and let me tell you what I would rather go through labor all over again then have to suffer through another 45 minutes laying on that table in that much pain!!!!
I’ll start off by saying I’ve been battling my back for about a year now, it currently has me to the point of Not being able to hardly walk. I was seeing a Doctor but things seemed to not be progressing. She had me go to a physical therapist, and he said “Well I don’t know about making you pain free but I can help you stand up straight” I’m thinking Dude I’m not standing up straight because of the pain. It’s not that I’m Bending over and that’s causing the pain! So I decided to find a new doctor. Yesterday I went to my first appointment with him and I already feel like things are moving along a lot faster, as today I have an appointment for an MRI. The doctor also prescribed me some Steroids to help with any swelling which might be causing the pain, and some other pain medicine just to help me get a full nights sleep. Let’s just hope the MRI shows us some reason for the back pain, so we know what to do next.