On June 28, 2014 at 12:33PM Angel Said…

Mark I think  you might find this interesting.

On May 11, 2014 at 03:13AM Mark Said…

On May 01, 2014 at 09:02AM Angel Said…

Hey Mark Here’s some interesting reading 😉

On December 20, 2013 at 09:43AM Angel Said…

I like how the guy says “we’re not trying to make money”…..man things have changed.

History in the making

Last night, like many others I watched as thousands of people in New York protested. The live stream provided by TheOther99 was absolutly instense and the commentator Tim was amazing. He does a wonderful job at bringing the facts to the table without opinion.

No matter which side of the table you stand on with the politcal issues just seeing these protests is an amazing thing, because you are witnessing history in the making. Thirty years from now people will be watching the footage of these events with the same awe and wonder in which I have watched old newscasts of the vietnam protests in the sixties. I’m still not sure what change is going to come from all these events, but I am positive that change is coming. Event’s like these don’t happen without it.

Having dialoge with other people seems to be the main thing going on right now, and there are oh so many ways to do that in this day an age. We have email, twitter, facebook, chatrooms, text messages, video streams and then go old fashioned face to face conversations. I’m glad to see it happening, and am very glad to be a witness to it all….

Forgotten History?

Today I was shocked to discover that My 16 yr old was never made to memorize the Preamble to the Constitution. In fact when I rattled of the first line he couldn’t even tell me what it was from. I find that to be very sad. The constitution is a very important part of our history and the preamble is a very powerful statement as to why this country was founded. How can our children, essentially our future hope to better our society if they can’t look too and learn from the lessons of the past? I’m proud to say that my child will be memorizing the preamble and analyzing it.