The Dallemagnes → 2005

The Show Again

Just started the Show Back up finally, I’m glad to have it up and running again, Though I am Low on the list of Stations Playing the show at the moment I hope to Fix that. (GRAMIE SEND ME THOSE STATIONS I THINK YOU FORGOT….LOL) We’re are thinking of taking the show to 3 hours instead of 2 though we’re not sure yet.

And in other news…lol…There really isn’t much going on that’s why I’ve not been writing so much. But we are planning on going camping this summer up in the Cascade mountains. I’m excited about that. There is a little town were going to see up there.

Sometimes I wonder if I’m ever going to make it back to Ohio. I MISS MY KIDS!!!!!! Hopefully we can figure something out this year. I mean it has been almost 4 years since I’ve been home. Well I’m going now,



Loneliness, persistent pain, unhappiness felt in vain. Tormenting pain, running to nothing and yet something at all! Wandering into darkness keeping it within, never knowing what it is. Answers hide in the corners and then run so far away. How can I can ask the questions when I don’t know what they are?

Deep in the soul a hardening heart building up the concrete walls. Help me find myself in this darkness. Help understand the pain I never wanted but always had. Where can I go what can I do when I can’t find you.

Buried in myself uneasiness I can’t endure. Falling, always falling, give me your hand helps my climb up without your hand without you I can’t get there.

A Package From Home

Well today I received a package from home in the mail. The package had a few gifts, a t-shirt from my old radio station back home, a teddy bear knick-knack, & a new journal. But it was that last item(s) that really upset me. My Family enclosed a photo album with all kinds of pictures in it. I lost it, I was crying for nearly two hours with home-sickness. I really need to get home. I hope we can get the money together this year.

Pitter Patter?

My Hubby has informed me today that after thinking long and hard on the matter….that he has decided he wants to have a baby! I mean he wants me to have it but…lol…well you get what I’m saying. An extraordinary feat this will be since My tubes are tied…meaning that the only way for my pregnancy to take place will be when a doctor makes a little petri dish cocktail and the does in vitro fertilization (spell?). Well I’m stoked at the possibility even though it may not happen for a few years (Some bills need to be taken care of first). I would love another little one. That has always been all that I wanted anyway…when other girls in school were daydreaming about their careers all I wanted was a family…I’m and old fashioned kinda gal I guess I get that from my mother…she always like staying at home and playing house too though the opportunity never really happened for her. Sooo Hopefully things will go the way we want and in a couple of years we can get started on our own family…we only want one…since I already have 3. I’m hoping for another boy…he wants a girl…lol. go figure.


Left to go get something to eat yesterday and I started to take a step down the stairs (we have a second floor Apartment) and wham My knee goes out from under me! Good thing for the rails or I would have never caught myself. I can just see me tumbling down the stairs. I have horrible knees I tore them up in high school playing volleyball. Well anyway so alllllllll my weight lands right on my knee. (OUCH !!!!!!!!!!!!!) So now I’m hobbling all over the place cuz I knocked my knee plate out of socket and had to put it back……..Damn knees. Soo anyway tonight we left to go to the grocery and after I hobbled my way down the steps I noticed how beautifully foggy it is. I love fog. We went for a drive in it. And it’s so thick you can’t even see the tail lights of the car in front of you. I like it. And Now here I sit doing nothing I’m rather board at the moment. I’m thinking of Playing Sims but then it’s just one of those times when nothing sounds fun……who knows. I’m going to quit rambling now and jump off of here….byeeeeeeee.

I was missing But I

I haven’t been around in a while cuz My depression hit an all time low this year but I should be kewl now I got new meds for my bi-polar. Which means no more ups and downs. YEAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!

My Website is coming along well. only problem is that my forums are dead with the exception of my staff members…..and hubby no one is posting. Sux when you work hard to set stuff up and no one uses it. Ohh well call me a dork but I enjoy working with the stuff…lol. Hope everyone on here has been ok while I was missing…lol.


Today I saw sunshine bit’s and pieces scattered around the room. Little shards of light each perfected in the perfection that was itself. Wrap your warmth around me and hold me in the light. Awaken to me to the Perfection that you are.
Everything around me is a tapestry of color, beautiful in its entirety. To see the gift around is to see peace. To weave the web of creation that surrounds all life stillness in the morning light. Harmony like no one has ever known. Create with your mind tender love and you will grow the beauty that is life.