Bad morning….

So I woke this morning to find that my pain in my legs is finally gone. I’m thinking that stuff has finally worked it way out of my system, of course that doesn’t fix my back yet but hey that’s what the doctors appointment is for.

I’ve been playing Guild Wars this weekend as they are dropping special treats for Easter. We’re getting chocolate bunnies, and golden eggs…lol.

We don’t celebrate Easter here as My family is pagan. We will be celebrating Beltane though on the 1st of May. We’ll be decorating the house with flowers, and having a nice Meal. Then We pick something new to plant, either a flower, plant or tree. Anyway I hope everyone else has a good Easter Sunday.

Stopped the Prednisone

So I stopped the prednisone as per doctors orders, and let me tell you the withdrawals are horrible. I woke up about 5:00 A.M. with horrible pain from my knee’s to my ankles. I’ve been dealing with it all day. I called the doc and he told me to take a percocete and possibly some aleave for the pain, I don’t have any aleave but I used advil liqu-gels and they seemed to do the trick, now I’ve got the numb feeling….. Hopefully soon I can begin to get this crap all worked out I’m so sick of pills….a

Feel Like Crap

I don’t know if it’s the Prednisone the doctor had me on or If I just picked up some cold, but I have a horrible headache and my throat is killing me. Just to be on the safe side I stopped the prednisone, he said if I was having any side effects to just not take it. But my gods if I didn’t know any better I would swear it’s the flu…..


Oh my god that MRI was the worst experience ever. I spent the whole time crying and in so much pain I wanted to scream. I swear when your in that much pain they should just stick in a catheter and give you an epidural. I have had 3 kids, and let me tell you what I would rather go through labor all over again then have to suffer through another 45 minutes laying on that table in that much pain!!!!

A New Doctor For Me

I’ll start off by saying I’ve been battling my back for about a year now, it currently has me to the point of Not being able to hardly walk. I was seeing a Doctor but things seemed to not be progressing. She had me go to a physical therapist, and he said “Well I don’t know about making you pain free but I can help you stand up straight” I’m thinking Dude I’m not standing up straight because of the pain. It’s not that I’m Bending over and that’s causing the pain! So I decided to find a new doctor. Yesterday I went to my first appointment with him and I already feel like things are moving along a lot faster, as today I have an appointment for an MRI. The doctor also prescribed me some Steroids to help with any swelling which might be causing the pain, and some other pain medicine just to help me get a full nights sleep. Let’s just hope the MRI shows us some reason for the back pain, so we know what to do next.

Been a while

So it’s been a while since I wrote anything, mostly because I’ve just not been feeling to hot. I’ve been going to the Chiropractor for my back and also been seeing a regular doctor trying to figure out what’s going on with me. Come to find out the thyroid medicine I’ve been on has been working to much it now has my thyroid too low. So she told me to stop taking it until I get in to see the endocrinologist and we can figure out something better to do about my thyroid. I also discovered that I have gall stones but that’s neither here nor there as they aren’t giving me any symptoms so we don’t have to worry about them right now. However I’m hoping it was the thyroid medicine which was causing me to feel this muscle weakness all over my body, and maybe now that will change. It’s made it difficult to say the least to perform even regular tasks like typing. Even now my arm’s feel exhausted from typing this little bit.

Kenzie is doing well as a matter of fact he’s lost even more weight and is now down to 182 we’re very proud of him. Wrestling season is now over and the poor guy never got to wrestle once at a meet this year either there wasn’t anybody in his weight class or he was sick. We’re now going to look into getting him into some kind of Martial arts class. He’ll be doing football next year, as well as wrestling.

I spent most of the last few days reformatting my new system and getting rid of the extra crap they always feel the need to install on new computers. This one came with a bunch of free trial stuff like gateway games, Norton anti-virus, Microsoft office student, and a bunch of other crap I didn’t need, like Google desktop and such. So I reformatted it wiped it down to bare bones, ran all my windows updates all the way through Service pack one, and now I finally have it set up the way I want it. I have noticed a difference in boot time now with service pack on it and file copying and such seems much faster. So Microsoft did indeed fix some of the speed issues with the service pack. I did order another gig of ram from that I’m waiting for in the mail, that will give me a total of 3 gigs. I figure for $20.00 bucks why shouldn’t I get another gig. Well I’m off….

Getting the Motivation

So this week I’ve been trying hard to keep motivated about changing my diet and getting exercise to get on my feet again. It may not seem like much, but walking from the back door of my house to the front door is quite a feat for me right now, but I’m making a point to do it everyday. Also I’m trying hard to change my diet around. On the last grocery trip to the store I bought more fruits and veggie’s, and pretty much no microwavable stuff. What can I say it’s a start…wish me luck!

More Doctors….

So The eye doctor said my eye’s are fine he gave me some eye drops and said if my vision starts to blur to use them he thinks it might just be dry eye’s. The endocrinolgist thinks differntly though. He had me do an E.K.G. and it turns out my atrial fibrillation is coming back (thanks to my thyroid) so he prescribed some heart medicine, and wants me to see a cardiologist just to make sure that there isn’t any long term damage to my heart. He’s said we need to just dissolve my thyroid and get rid of it. Which is is the same thing they did with my mom, so chances are that’s what we’ll do. I do have good news though turns out my muscle weakness and weight-gain we’re all caused by my thyroid meds causing my thyroid hormone’s to be to low, so now that we’re getting that straightened out I should back on the road to recovery soon, that means soon I should be walking better and feeling better and able to be more active once again! This morning the endocrinologist office called and told me I need to take my thyroid meds again only this time I’ll only be taking one pill a day instead of two. I’m about ready to say hey let’s just get rid of the damn thing and get it over with I’m so sick of doctors appointements and being poked and prodded all the time.

Doctors, Doctors, Doctors….

I have a doctors appointment in the morning with the eye doctor, my blurred vision episodes have returned, since the doctor pulled me off my thyroid medicine, I’m hoping it’s not doing any permanent eye damage. I have an appointment, with the endocrinologist on the 15th, to see about my thyroid. I’m not sure what they will tell me but I’m sure it will involve medicine of some sort. The Doctor seems to think my back pain is muscle releated and she gave me a prescription for physical therapy. I wish I could just get all this over with and get back to normal, I’m sick and tired of feeling sick and tired all the time……

Leaky Ceiling

So I woke up last night to the sound of "drip drip drip" When I finally rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and came to enough to realize that the sound wasn’t coming from my computer and the soundscapes channel I let play as I went to sleep. I discovered that a nice bubble had formed on my ceiling and water was dripping onto my garbage can. I jumped up and grabbed an empty dishpan I had under my kitchen sink and put that under it. Then I had to call security to get the emergency maintenance pager number. I was thinking it was something gone wrong with the empty apartment above but as it turns out it’s not. Apparently a few buildings have had this issue, it’s water in the walls. The guy busted the bubble on the ceiling and put a bigger bucket underneath it. Then he said there wasn’t really much he could do about it tonight and that he would have to come back in the the morning. For a while it was dripping pretty heavily but it’s died down a bunch since, I sure hope they can fix it without much trouble.